installations projects  



Passing Breeze

    (select installation and detail process images)
2024 | latex paint and natural pigments on synthetic fabric
four paintings, dimensions variable
Cospudener See, Leipzig, Germany
These paintings are constructed in oil and latex paint and natural pigments, and their fabric supports were found in the nearby surroundings. The steel structure, where the paintings hang wildly in blazing summer winds, is also found and repurposed as a framing device. This iteration is installed at the lakeside that inspired them.

Passing Breeze 01



Passing Breeze 02



Passing Breeze 03



Passing Breeze 04



Passing Breeze 05



Passing Breeze 06



Passing Breeze 07



Contemporary Artist Visual Art Painting Landscape Abstract Lyrical Minimal Minimalism Horizon Gradient Field Color Colour Theory Conceptual Window Frame Interior Design Paint Home Improvement Nature Minimalist Künstlerin Kuenstlerin Malerin Malerei collector artcollector gallery climate change plants sky skies water acqua fountain publicart global warming globalwarming weather arte Leipzig solo show soloshow zeitgenössische zeitgenoessische Künst Künstlerin Ecology Arte Sky Weather Psychogeography Neoromanticism Postminimalism Stockton University New Jersey artist art residency Elizabeth Gerdeman elizabethgerdeman contemporaryart contemporarypainting abstractlandscape experimentalpainting installation installationart landscapepaintingnow landscapepainting landschaft zeitgenoessischekunst atmosphere sitespecific painting expandedpainting outsideinside natureculture artoftheanthropocene art kunst beach lake summer sommer see foundmaterials windows frames views cospudenersee

Passing Breeze 08



Passing Breeze 09



Passing Breeze 10

















Passing Breeze 11