installations projects  



Tree Quotes Series

mixed media on panel
dimensions between 3x5 inches, 4x6 inches, 5x7 inches, and 8x10 inches
“The tree which moves some to tears of joy…” —William Blake
“There is, I conceive, scarcely any tree that may not be advantageously used in the various combinations of form and color.” —Gilpin
“Alone with myself the trees bend to caress me, the shade hugs my heart.” —Candy Polgar
“God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, ‘Ah!’" —Joseph Campbell
“Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me?” —Walt Whitman
“Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit.” —Khalil Gibran
“I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do.” —Willa Cather
“I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree.” —Henry David Thoreau
“That tree whose leaves are trembling: is yearning for something.” —Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
“I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree.” —Ogden Nash








Artist Visual Art Painting Landscape Art Landscape Abstract Lyrical Abstract Landscape Art Color Theory Landscape Theory Installation Art Installation Künstlerin Kuenstlerin Malerin Malerei Leipzig Spinnerei Leipzig Art Leipzig Artist Leipzig Maler Leipzig Künstler Leipzig Kuenstler Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst