installations projects  



Casting Light, Throwing Shade

    (select images)
2020 | digital print on billboard
1,5 x 2,5 m (5.5' x 8')
This piece follows an ongoing inquiry examining landscape and fear, and the role of exaggerated perceptions of the world around us.
Curated by Markus Dreßen
Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Galerie Jochen Hempel, Leipzig, Germany



casting light throwing shade 02


  artist visual art painting landscape nature culture installation abstract minimal minimalism color colour theory landscape conceptual Pantone interior design paint home improvement künstlerin kuenstlerin malerin malerei germany deutschland leipzig spinnerei zeitgenössische zeitgenoessische zeitgenössische kunst jochen hemple galerie billboard oak tree shadow window

casting light throwing shade 01










  casting light throwing shade 03








    *Jochen Hempel Gallery | Display Project: here